How to Write Content for your Article | Pnjxn Blog

How to Write Content for your Article | Pnjxn Blog

Writing blog posts optimised for both users and search engines is a skill. It can be both time-consuming and challenging. To keep your reader interested, you must be strategic in your topic selection and writing. It is not the same as writing an article, so you must pay attention to the details and follow SEO rules.

A well-optimised blog post with high-quality content has a better chance of ranking higher in search, whereas a well-optimised blog post with low-quality content has a lower chance of ranking high.

We mean that if you want to improve your rankings, you must improve your writing skills.

Begin by following these tips:

Think before you start writing 

Allow yourself some time to think about what you want to write in your blog post and jot down your ideas before you put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard. You will save time later on in the process if you do this.

On a daily basis, we suggest reading a variety of SEO and digital marketing content. Copy the URL and title of any topics that you find intriguing and save them to your notes.

Review your notes at the beginning of each month to determine which issues to cover. In your content calendar, assign a release date to each topic.

When it’s time to compose the blog article, conduct a thorough investigation to answer the following questions:

What are the specific topics you’d like to cover in your blog post?

  • What should the blog post’s specific topics be?
  • What is the blog post’s purpose? (to get better rankings for a keyword, to get more subscribers, to promote my SEO Courses, etc.)
  • What will your readers get from the new blog post?

It will be much easier to go to the following step once you have answered these questions.

Make a plan for your blog post’s structure.

Create a clear foundation for your blog post to begin. A blog entry can be divided into sections to make it easier to write.

Every post should have the following information:

  • An overview (to the topic at hand)
  • A body (with the main message)

one last thought (a summary of the most important ideas)

Write down what you want to say in each of the three sections to create a summary of your blog article. The procedure will move more quickly and efficiently as a result of this. Instead of bigger chunks, you can write 200 words to cover a specific aspect of the blog post.

Choose a title for your blog entry.

Creating a strong and intriguing title is essential for SEO and user-friendliness goals. Some authors prefer to finish this stage first, then design the blog structure, while others prefer to develop the title after you’ve figured out what the blog post will be about. Choose the most efficient route for you.

  • Whatever you want to call it, a good title should have the following qualities:
  • It should have a character limit of 55-60 to ensure that it is displayed in the SERPS without breaks.
  • It should have a character limit of 55-60 to ensure that it is displayed in the SERPS without breaks.
  • It should include the keyword you want to target (but without keyword-stuffing).
  • It should accurately describe the content that will be included in the blog article.

When presented on search engine results pages, it should be engaging enough to entice users to click.

You might include additional information to make it clear to both search engines and users what to expect in the material. Instead of just putting your keyword in the title, you could include ‘How to’ or ‘A step by step procedure’ to make it more engaging and clickable.

Use Correct Headings

Use the titles in your blog content to assist organise the entire page, so make good use of them. They’re crucial not only for readability, but also for SEO. They help Google understand the main aspects of the blog post and may improve your ranking.

Subheadings define the structure of your blog material, making it easier for users to browse through it. Make sure your keywords appear in some, but not all, of the subheadings, or the text will appear weird.

Shorten your paragraphs

Everyone uses paragraphs, but not everyone uses them efficiently. Before hitting the publish button, don’t start each new sentence on a new line, and don’t use large paragraphs on a single page. It makes it easier for your readers to view the material because the majority of your readers are likely to be using a mobile device.

To make the material less dull, we recommend using small paragraphs (2-3 sentences) and utilising the various style options such as bold and italic.

Add links only when they are relevant

When writing a new blog article, include internal links only when it makes sense. It is fine to use an already published blog post that you can associate with your new blog post.

Internal linking is a simple SEO tactic that can be quite powerful and has a number of advantages:

  • It can aid in the discovery of new pages on your website by search engines.
  • It can aid in the discovery of new pages on your website by search engines.
  • It gives search engines a major signal about the topic of a page.
  • It’s a fantastic approach to providing users the choice of clicking a link to learn more about a subject.
  • It’s one of the methods for lowering bounce rates and keeping visitors on your site for longer periods of time.
  • Within this blog article, we included links to other blog postings. Take a deeper look and see what you can find!

Use keywords in the anchor text if necessary. There are no consequences for doing so.

Make use of keywords without stuffing them in

Your goal keywords (and variations) will not get you in trouble if you include them in your blog entries. In fact, we strongly advise it. Keyword stuffing, on the other hand, is not recommended. In other words, don’t stuff keywords into your text just for the sake of it. Instead, do it when it is natural for you to do so.

This should help if you’re not sure where to put keywords:

  • Include the post’s title.
  • Include your post’s major headings.
  • Include it in the post’s content.
  • Include the post’s conclusion

If you’re having problems avoiding keyword stuffing or just need some guidance, try using the Google keyword tool or SEMRUSH to look for your major term. These tools will provide you with a list of keywords that are linked to your primary keyword. Make certain to incorporate those keywords into your blog content.

Maximize the length of your blog post.

Make sure your blog post is at least 300 words long. Although studies have indicated that lengthier blog posts perform better in search, this does not rule out the possibility of shorter blog posts ranking high. Keep in mind that if your article is excessively long and difficult to read, users may be turned off.

It is more vital to focus on the quality of the information rather than the quantity. If you are sure in your writing ability, only attempt to write a lengthy blog piece.

In comparison to a post that is short and uninteresting, promoting an in-depth blog article that covers both sides of a subject, has good graphics, contains references to studies, and provides important information is far more likely to get links.

Going to Google and typing in your target keywords and looking at the results is the easiest way to figure out how long your blog piece should be. Attempt to publish something that is better than the previous blog posts. Because Google ranking takes time, expect to wait a while for results.

Make your meta description more effective

The description tag is used to give a brief (under 200 characters) overview of the blog post. Because Google may choose to display your meta description in the search results, it’s crucial to keep it as short as possible. The description should be both useful and appealing to persuade visitors to click your link and visit your blog.

Allow others to read your message before it is published

Allow others to read your message before it is published.

It’s crucial to have someone else read your blog article before you publish it. Inquire about their understanding of the blog post’s core premise, and invite them to remedy any typos or grammatical flaws.

Check out our FAQ Schema in Digital Marketing blog if you want to know how to get your website to the top of search engine results.


If you need any kind of support with a digital marketing strategy, PNJXN is here to help. Outsourcing to PNJXN can offer your business the opportunity to optimize your time and budget through partnering with us. Ultimately we generate the best results for your business.


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